Carolinas MGMA Committees
ACMPE Committee Serve as a liaison between the American College of Medical Practice Executives and the Carolinas MGMA membership; plan and coordinate resources for college activity within North and South Carolina; assist individuals in preparing for the ACMPE examination, selecting topics for papers, and future participation.
Committee Chair • Todd Pittman, CMPE - Digestive Health Specialists
Advocacy Committee Keep Carolinas MGMA members advised of key issues affecting medical group management, encouraging participation by members in letter writing on key issues. Serve as an information resource to Carolinas MGMA members regarding addresses, phone numbers, and protocol for contacts with legislators and other key persons.
Committee Chair • Joni Brantley - Nash OB-Gyn Associates, PA
Affiliate Development Committee The Affiliate Development Committee (ADC) works to confirm valuable opportunities for our Alliance Sponsors and Affiliate members both during our conferences and events as well as throughout the year.
Committee Co-Chair • Wes Stanley - Fund Direct Advisors • Steve Cox - HandCraft Services
Blue Cross Blue Shield Committee The committee maintains a liaison with Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) of NC to represent Carolinas MGMA's interests and issues, and to communicate and influence BCBS operational policies and directions. The committee serves as an advisory service to Blue Cross on issues and communicates this to the membership.
Committee Co-Chairs • Karen Lawrence - Carolina Rehabilitation & Surgical Associates • Colleen Aitken - Gastroenterology Associates of the Piedmont
Communications Committee The Communications Committee oversees and directs the messaging strategy and initiatives or the association, between the Carolinas MGMA and its members and to the healthcare industry and public. This strategy includes the website, social media, email messaging, the online news outlet and the podcast.
Committee Chair • Stephen Fogg - Fogg Media
Conference Committee The Carolinas MGMA Conference Committee prepares educational programs and events for the association, including the Spring and Fall Conferences, as well as the Regional Education programs. Committee duties also include promoting and coordinating the exhibit hall.
Committee Co-Chairs • Courtney Bain - Digestive Health Specialists • Nancy Miramontes - United Physicians, LLC
Education Committee The Carolinas MGMA’s Education Committee works closely with the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) to confirm and produce the monthly webinars offered to our members, most at no additional cost. Additionally, this committee handles all education outside of conferences.
Committee Chair • Stephen DeBiasi
Emerging Leaders Committee Carolinas MGMA's Emerging Leaders Committee works to engage members of the organization who are newer to the healthcare industry and interested in developing leadership and management skills. The committee supports the Emerging Leaders mentorship program, which provides the opportunity for a cohort to network, learn, and grow together.
Committee Chair • Sanela Ahmetovic, MHA - Tryon Medical Partners
Governance Committee The Governance Committee is comprised of all past presidents, tasked with leading the way on all Davis Watson Scholarship Fund activities, reviewing the Administrator of the Year, Practice of the Year and the Kim Harrah Becker Volunteer of the Year Award criteria and nominations. This committee is also charged with conducting bylaws reviews every three years.
Committee Chair • Chad Ghorley - Carolina Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Center
Medicaid Committee The committee monitors and informs members of issues regarding Medicaid, provides health coverage to millions of Americans, including eligible low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults and people with disabilities. Medicaid is administered by states, according to federal requirements.
Committee Co-Chairs • Joni Brantley - Nash OB-Gyn Associates, PA • Christy Hinshaw - EmergeOrtho Triad Region
Medicare Committee The Medicare Committee monitors and informs members of issues regarding Medicare, the federal health insurance program for: People who are 65 or older; Certain younger people with disabilities; and People with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure requiring dialysis or a transplant, sometimes called ESRD).
Committee Chair • Doral Jacobsen - Prosper Beyond - BCBS Medicaid
Membership Committee The Membership Committee increases the interest in association membership among qualified professionals, considers qualification of applicants for membership, and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Committee Chair • Jenni Hodde Hines - North Carolina Medical Society
Payer Contracting Committee The Payer Contracting Committee was established to support Carolinas MGMA members in navigating payer contracting arrangements. Our goal is to offer support through investing in payer/provider relationships through this committee. <<More
Committee Chair • Doral Jacobsen - Prosper Beyond - BCBS Medicaid
Student Outreach Committee The Student Outreach Task Force’s focus is on outreach and opportunities for students (part time and full time) within the healthcare management programs. We work with programs and students in community colleges as well as universities connecting them to our Active managers through visits, internships, and education.
Liaison Chair • John Clement - Uptick Health
Salary Survey Committee The Salary Survey Committee oversees the development, maintenance, administering, data collection and data dissemination of the Medical Employee Salary & Benefits Online Survey. The data collected from North Carolina practice metrics, and is designed to deliver trends specific to the healthcare industry.
Committee Co-Chairs • Frank Chitty - Coastal Physicians Alliance • Katherine Beavers - Durham Nephrology Services