About Us

Service Project PhotoThe Carolinas Medical Group Management Association (Carolinas MGMA) gives the professional administrator rich information and contacts for professional growth. Since founding in 1971, we have represented the healthcare industry and medical practices across North and South Carolina. Our membership includes executives and managers of private group practices, academic medical centers, integrated delivery systems, and companies that support medical provider organizations.

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"Carolinas MGMA maximizes the value and effectiveness of medical group leaders through educational programs, information exchange, networking, advocacy, and professional development opportunities."


"Leaders for tomorrow's healthcare."


"Carolinas MGMA is the leading and most recognized resource for education, networking, and advocacy
for medical group leaders in the Carolinas."


50 Years of NCMGMA!

We are the "leaders for tomorrow's healthcare

2021 Fall Conference videoSince our founding in 1971, we have been representing medical practices across North Carolina: executives and managers of private group practices, academic medical centers, integrated delivery systems, and companies that support medical provider organizations.

We've put together a video of interviews with the presidents of NCMGMA. Click on the thumbnail to hear the stories and meet the men and women who have helped our organization get to where we are today: the leaders for tomorrow's healthcare!